WSU alumni share success stories during Black History Month student series

Wayne State students at Dinner for Winners, hosted by Wayne State's Brotherhood student organization

Throughout the month of February, Wayne State's Brotherhood student organization is hosting its second annual dinner series for students featuring workshops and fireside chats (2019 event shown above). Dinner for Winners: Hometown Heroes celebrates contemporary African Americans who are creating history today.

In addition to offering insight on professional development and postgraduate success, the weekly events give students the opportunity to network with each other and alumni. Seven of the nine workshop leaders and panelists are graduates of Wayne State University, as follows:

February 13

Tiana Dudley '14
CEO and Founder, Dudley Digital Communications
Member, Alumni Association Board of Directors
Chair, Organization of Black Alumni Planning Committee
Workshop: Building Professional Relationships and Networking

Ernestine Lyons '13, M.A. '17
City Council Member, Harper Woods

Marlowe Stoudamire '03
Owner, Butterfly Effect Detroit
Founder, Mash Detroit

February 20

Rose Moten, M.Ed. '98
Director, BLOOM Transformation Center
Member, Alumni Association Board of Directors
Workshop: Building an Expertise/Specialty

Raymond Cloud '01
Group Senior Vice President of Loss Prevention, Organizational Safety and Security
Ross Stores Inc.

Tylonn J. Sawyer
Artist, educator and curator

February 27

Ronald Wood '75, M.A. '80
Vice President of Business Performance, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Workshop: Developing a Business and Crafting a Team

Jason Brown '10
Member, Mike Ilitch School of Business Board of Visitors

Monique Owens
Mayor, Eastpointe

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