Faculty Who Inspire: Andrea Tangari, Associate Professor of Marketing

Andrea Tangari Headshot

Dr. Andrea Tangari is an associate professor of marketing in the Mike Ilitch School of Business and her area of expertise includes marketing and public policy, food and nutrition labeling and corporate social responsibility. She teaches an undergraduate course in marketing strategy, and graduate level courses in business and sustainability and corporate social responsibility. She's the faculty advisor for a student organization, Net Impact, that focuses on how, in your everyday life and in your work life, one can have a positive impact on society, driving social and environmental change.

With so much energy focused on impact, Dr. Tangari understands the value of philanthropy and the positive influence it can have. She loves the ripple effect that Wayne State has on the surrounding community, and how the Mike Ilitch School of Business in particular is giving back to Detroit. Dr. Tangari enjoys working at Wayne State because of the connections one can make in the community, and the significant impact you can have on students' lives. She chooses to amplify her impact at the university by donating via payroll deduction, and supports the Mike Ilitch School of Business. Her philosophy is to inspire others to think about how we can have a positive impact- as people, students, employees and community members- and to consider what our contribution to society is. As employees at an urban research university, we can feel good knowing we're making a positive impact on society through our work and our philanthropy; we know we're inspiring from within.

"When your passion is corporate impact, you are keenly aware of your own impact."

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