Wayne State Alumni Update on COVID-19
WSU Coronavirus Support Student Hardship Funds
Dear Alumni and Friends,
During this difficult time, our alumni and friends are important to us and we are thinking about everyone's safety and wellbeing. The Wayne State University Alumni Association and the Office of Alumni Relations are operating under directives from the Wayne State University Presidential Coronavirus Committee and guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which has led to the following decisions and information.
Events: At this time all alumni events and gatherings that were scheduled through April 2020 are postponed or canceled. Please check alumni.wayne.edu/events for the latest information.
Stay in Touch: We encourage you to keep in touch with us via email at wsuaa@wayne.edu or phone 313-577-2300. However, the Tierney Alumni House is closed to visitors until further notice.
For the latest news and updates please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Support: We appreciate your understanding and support, and sincerely hope that you and your family stay safe and well. We also recognize that many Wayne State students are experiencing significant uncertainty when it comes to dealing with unanticipated costs related to getting home, food, housing and access to technology. You can join Wayne State's efforts to help students who are experiencing unforeseen challenges by visiting our Student Hardship Funds site. With your support, we can act quickly and provide life-changing assistance that can lead to peace of mind and academic success, now and in the future.
Wayne State University is deeply engaged in our community's response to COVID-19 and there will be additional ways you can support our efforts as circumstances unfold. We will share more information about the university's efforts in the coming days and weeks. For current information about the impact on all parts of the university, please refer to the WSU Coronavirus website.
Wishing you continued wellness and safety.
Peter R. Caborn
Associate Vice President, Alumni Affairs & Advancement Services
Executive Director, Alumni Association
Wayne State University